Returned orders are a reality for all product marketers, especially those selling direct-to-consumer. The approach with which our clients allow their customers to make returns has a direct correlation to the type of product, value of the product and whether it can be resold if it is returned. We work with you to determine that optimal mix of how easy to make returns and assist in implementing those policies through customized packing slip or insert card policy language, prepaid returns labels, etc.

How Often Are Items Returned?

While this can vary, some estimates show that nearly 20% of products purchased online are returned. This could be for many reasons, including general dissatisfaction, product defect or it could be that the incorrect product was sent. What does that mean for your company? Do you have a reliable and trusted return processing partner to take care of these returns?

Return processing, sometimes referred to as reverse logistics, is an important part of the fulfillment and distribution process.

To learn more about our return processing services, contact us today! 

Custom Preparing to Return Order